

Wembley, London

Currently, the development site at Alperton is a large occupied industrial estate of 6 acres which was established in 1931. When we were first introduced to the site in 2007, it was only partly occupied and generated a very low income due to the lack of positive marketing to let the site. Once the estate was purchase by us, we immediately appointed agents to attract new business to the site and were able to increase the income to the current net yield of 12%. 

After numerous pre-application discussions with the Local Authority and other key stakeholders, we submitted a full detailed planning application for the site in December 2018. The mixed-use scheme was for 581 residential units with a commercial element of affordable workspace included in the scheme.

Planning was recommended for approval in Spring 2020 but was subsequently refused at the Planning Committee. A revised application was submitted soon after, which proposed the following:

  • Demolition of existing units and erection of a mixed-use development varying in height between 3-16 storeys. 
    • Flexible commercial floorspace
    • Affordable workspace and community use floorspace
    • 684 residential units 
    • Associated parking
    • Soft landscaping and ancillary facilities

Also included within this proposal, are sustainability enhancements through the use of Green Roofs, Sustainable surface water drainage systems as well as two new energy centres utilising Photovoltaic Panels and Air Source Heat Pumps.

The application was approved by Brent Council in early 2021 and will soon be submitted to the GLA for final approval.

The development will take approximately 6 years to complete once Planning Permission has been approved.

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